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Is it time to stop?

LimeRain Avatar
LimeRain GB Regular **

Post by LimeRain on Sept 11, 2017 19:22:34 GMT -7

    For those who know me, I've brought two accounts from low levels to ~130's & 2200+ total levels this past year (for various reasons you all know) and now I got my og main that I keep knocking out 99's and accomplishing goals left and right. But I don't know how I feel about Runescape anymore. 

    I log onto the game every morning before I go to school or work, having my coffee and eating and getting some training done. When I get home after work or school at night I do my dailies and play until I crash an hour or so later. My free time I seem to dedicate to this game. I used this game as an escape in a sense from my problems and coping with my problems and I ended up isolating myself from most people because of it.

    I get on the game and keep chipping away at my goals I keep setting for myself, maybe that is the only reason I keep dragging myself through this crap. The only time I really enjoy the game is when I can hop into discord with people and actually do something together or dick around. Maybe I'm addicted, maybe i'm burnt out ¯\_(ツ)_/

Has anyone dealt with this?

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Jon Avatar
Jon GB Staff *****

Post by Jon on Sept 11, 2017 19:48:54 GMT -7

I definitely know how you feel , I have felt this way many times over. I too use RuneScape as an escape from reality. I also blame it for keeping me indoors and from spending time with friends and family, from getting things done, anti-social behavior. It's a sort of disconnect from the real world. But really, that goes for almost any game. (Debatable)

I feel when we're having a tough time we seek something to take our minds off of it and to allow ourselves to enjoy a little time away from those bothering thoughts. But I guess the question is, does the time away help us relax and come back to earth, or just distract us further from finding real solutions?

Like anything, I believe there must be a balance between gaming and life. We don't have to abandon gaming completely, but we also can't spend our every last free minute slashing away at monsters in the virtual reality world.

Usually, when I feel like I've had enough of a single game(usually RuneScape), I take some time off and try something else for a change, I find the more time away from it, the more I enjoy it when I actually get back to playing. I also, as you've mentioned above, enjoy the social aspect of voice communication over our Discord much more than just typing away. But that is also the reason we provide the Discord and this gaming community @ It's to help ease the grind of everyday gaming and to throw a little something else into the mix.

Try involving yourself more on Discord and our Forum here, focus more on relationships and the virtual freedom than the grind.

Last edited Sept 11, 2017 19:49:52 GMT -7 by Jon
Lanbo Avatar
Lanbo GB Addict ****

Post by Lanbo on Sept 12, 2017 19:27:38 GMT -7

I can definitely relate, as I've done it before! I play for fun and once I start bogging myself down with too many goals, a game kinda loses its appeal for me. The social aspect is really what draws me in, and the skilling grind pushes me back out haha. Maybe let a couple days go by without a daily (:o) and see what happens. You don't want to make RuneScape monotonous. The game is not one dimensional and there are so many directions to follow, you know? But the grinding is what makes people feel like quitting.
dadajeep Avatar
dadajeep GB Gamer ***

Post by dadajeep on Sept 23, 2017 6:26:41 GMT -7

I think the same goes for everyone-RuneScape for me is very much an escape of sorts. A break from reality which can suck at times. It's nice to be able to go live in another world and interact with people and have fun and not worry about real life from time to time.
demarco Avatar
demarco GB Addict ****

Post by demarco on Sept 23, 2017 11:30:17 GMT -7

This was the case for me the summer of 2006, where I was in my prime clan wise. That summer I would play 8 hours a day every day for max melee. I achieved my goal, but I missed some of the real life events that could have changed me. Like any video game, you will need a break until certain activities become relevant again. You are just growing up, not growing out of the game.

malik Avatar
malik GB Newbie *

Post by malik on Sept 24, 2017 18:09:48 GMT -7

Video games have brought SO MUCH joy into my life, and looking back on old memories with friends on certain games i dont regret any of the "wasted" time in these virtual worlds. Now that im older i dont play as much as the old days and I live outta my truck for like 6 months a year with no type of tv or computer, but when im back home I cant wait to hop back on some video games i grew up with like rs. And ill play the **** outta them and skip going out with friends with no regret, yes you miss a fun night but when I chill with friends its nothing but boozing/smoking til 4 am, which i love lol but sometimes skipping nights like these can keep you outta trouble and away from a shitty morning, thats how i look at it. Ive gotten into a lot of trouble growing up so i look at gaming as a way of keeping me away from trouble. Everyone gets bored and everyone has there own way of curing boredom, this is ours!
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