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VOIP Options - Why choose Teamspeak?

Nergal Avatar
Nergal GB Staff *****

Post by Nergal on Jun 13, 2016 13:38:28 GMT -7

Out of curiosity, why do we still use Teamspeak? Is it true preference or just the established system?
There are other options for Voice Over IP programs these days. (Discord and Curse)
I would not ever suggest Skype, that's always a mess.

Don't know how much paying for the teamspeak servers costs you but Discord and Curse are free. Food for thought.

Jon Avatar
Jon GB Staff *****

Post by Jon on Jun 13, 2016 14:24:56 GMT -7

We knew of the other options when we purchased the TS server, TS was just a convenient way that everyone knew about, and with a few of the leaders( Pnutty, Mark, Divine ) chipping in a few $, the server was purchased for a very fair price split so many ways. I know TS from way back and enjoy the customization's and features I can add through Lightspeed is nice.

When our time expires maybe we'll vote on another option.
Nergal Avatar
Nergal GB Staff *****

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megannatasha GB Addict ****